Business Services » Online Form Information

Online Form Information

Duarte Unified partners with Informed K-12 to provide online forms and workflow processing.
All of the buttons below are links to initiate an online form.
You do not need to be pre-approved or have credentials to the Informed K-12 system to initiate a form.
For a general video tutorial on how to submit forms in Informed K-12, click the link below.
For a general written tutorial on how to submit forms in Informed K-12, click the link below.
Most (but not all) forms have an "Information Sheet" link at the bottom of the first page of the form. Clicking on this link will take you to a read-only google sheet that explains the purpose of the form, as well as details of the form and form fields. If after reading the Information Sheet you still have questions about the form, please contact the related department.

[ASBDEPS] ASB Deposit Forms

This form is used by unorganized Associated Student Body schools to report deposits made to the bank and which ASB account(s) the deposit should be applied to.

[ASBPAYR] ASB Payment Request

This form is used by unorganized Associated Student Body schools to request payments out of ASB accounts to vendors. Sites should be aware of account balances when requesting payments out of certain accounts or this form may be rejected for insufficient funds.

[FUNDREV] Fundraiser/Potential Revenue Form

This form is a combination request and reporting form.
  • This form should be submitted to request permission to run a fundraiser for the site/department or ASB.
  • If approved, this form should be completed with the actual results of the fundraiser before depositing to the district or local bank.

[BUDADJS] Budget Adjustment/Transfer Request

This form should be completed when an adjustment or transfer should be made to the district budget. This form applies to all budgets, restricted and unrestricted.

[CCAUTHR] Credit Card Authorization Form

This form should be completed by any employee using or requesting to use any of the district credit cards. Use of credit cards are limited to procuring supplies that are not able to be securing using the district purchasing process, and reservations for hotels and events.

[CONFREQ] Conference Request

This form should be completed by any employee wishing to attend a conference.

[FUNDREV] Fundraiser/Potential Revenue Form

This form is a combination request and reporting form.

  • This form should be submitted to request permission to run a fundraiser for the site/department or ASB.
  • If approved, this form should be completed with the actual results of the fundraiser before depositing to the district or local bank.

[ITEMEXP] Itemized Expense Form

This form should be completed by employees who have attended a district approved conference/event in order for them to be reimbursed. Attachments of all itemized receipts must be included with this form, otherwise expenses will not be reimbursed.

[MILREIM] Mileage Reimbursement Form

This form should be completed when an employee is required to travel in the course of their work day. This does not include travel from home to work as part of the start or end of their work day.
If travel was required in relation to a conference, the [ITEMEXP] Itemized Expense Form should be completed instead, even if that is the only reimbursable expense.

[REIMREQ] Reimbursement Request

This forms should be completed when a parent, or staff member pays for an item or service that was not available using the normal procurement process and would like to be reimbursed.
Receipts or similar documentation will be required to validate appropriateness of reimbursement.
Reimbursements should have prior approval from the Business Department before submission.

[REFDREQ] Refund Request

The form should be completed when a parent, community member, or employee request a refund for a payment made to the district.
Original payment information, as well as reasons for the refund will be required. Approval of the refund will be made by the site/department administrator and the business office.

[PERSREQ] Personnel Request Form

This form should be completed any time there is a personnel change of any type. The Request Type field designates the change that is occurring. The Employee Type field designates the type of employee this change relates to.

[WCPACKT] Workers Compensation Packet

This form should be completed by an employee who has experienced and injury while on district property or during a district event. This form should be completed even if the employee does not wish to pursue a workers compensation claim.

[WCWITNS] Witness Accident Report

This form should be completed by any person who witnesses an injury of an employee that occurs on district property or at a district event.

[TKRATIO] TK Adult to Student Ratio Certification

With the implementation of Universal PreKindergarten in California, one of the requirements is an adult-to-student ratio in TK classrooms of 1 adult to 12 students (1 adult to 10 students starting 2025-26). This form acts as documentation for classroom ratios and assists in reporting to the CDE for the required attendance reporting periods.

[SPHRREQ] Supplemental Hours Request

“Genuine” extra work is defined as any extra duty or overtime completed by employees beyond their regularly scheduled assignment. This form is to be completed to request approval for extra work prior to the work being performed.
Once completed, this form should be printed and attached to the associated timesheet. Extra work timesheets that do not have the attached [SPHRREQ] form will not be processed.

[MEDWAIV] Medical Waiver

This form is required to be completed by all benefit eligible employees who elect to not participate in any of the District medical insurance plans. This should be completed during Open Enrollment for the upcoming Plan Year or upon starting with the District for the current Plan Year.
If the employee has been grandfathered in, and is receiving cash in lieu of benefits per association contract, the [CILATTS] Cash-In-Lieu of Benefits Attestation must also be completed.

[CILATTS] Cash-In-Lieu of Benefits Attestation

This form is required to be completed by all benefit eligible employees who have been grandfathered in, and is receiving cash in lieu of benefits per association contract. This should be completed during Open Enrollment for the upcoming Plan Year.
Employees completing this form should also complete the [MEDWAIV] Medical Waiver Form if they have not already done so.