California Healthy Kids Survey 2024-2025
The California Department of Education requires schools and districts to ask students in grades 5, 7, 9, and 11 to participate in the California Healthy Kids Survey. The survey asks students questions about alcohol, tobacco, and other drug issues, as well as about school safety and the learning environment.
Participation in this survey is voluntary on the part of the student, and we hope you will give permission so that your child's opinion and knowledge can be part of the information gleaned from the survey. If you do not want your child to participate in the California Healthy Kids Survey, please return the letter sent home with your signature. Find a copy of the letters issued below in English & Spanish:
Parent Letter for Grade 5 (Beardslee, Maxwell, Royal Oaks, and Valley View)
Parent Letter for Grade 7 (Beardslee, Maxwell, and Royal Oaks)
Parent Letter for Grades 9 & 11 (M.I.T. High School and Duarte High School)
The survey is anonymous, no names or any other identifying information is connected to the answers except for the name of the school.
If you have questions about the survey, please contact your school site principal.
For more information about the California Healthy Kids Survey use the following link: