Required Health Screenings
TK-12 Health Screenings
State required screenings for hearing and vision are conducted at several grade levels. Notices will be sent to parents/guardians if students do not pass a screening.
Oral Health Assessment: Required for all kindergarten students and First Grade students that have never entered kindergarten. Click on "health services forms" for more information and to download the form.
VISION: Vision screening is done for grades TK, K, 2, 5, and 8 as well as students in special education and students at special request.
COLOR VISION: 1st grade boys.
HEARING: Hearing screening is done for grades TK, K, 2, 5, 8, and 10 as well as students in special education and students at special request.
SCOLIOSIS: Scoliosis screening is completed for 7th grade girls and 8th grade boys (pending pandemic restrictions).