CVRA Background
March 2020:
At the Board Meeting of March 5, 2020, while in closed session, the board approved a settlement agreement between the District and the Southwest Voter Registration Education Project in which the parties agreed that the District may begin its transition to by-trustee area elections after the 2020 census data is released and the District would pay the plaintiff's attorney fees of $30,000.
December 2019:
At the Board Meeting of December 19, 2019, a public hearing was held on the intent to request a waiver of the requirement that the establishment of trustee areas and adoption of a "by trustee area" election process be submitted to the electors as set forth in Education Code §§ 5019, 5020, 5021, and 5030.
At the Board Meeting of December 19, 2019, the Board approved Resolution No. 10-19-20 for the Intent to Comply With The California Voting Rights Act.
At the Board Meeting of December 19, 2019, the Board approved Resolution No. 11-19-20 Authorizing Request For Waiver Of The Requirement That The Establishment Of Trustee Areas And Adoption of a "By-Trustee Area" Election Process Be Submitted To The Electors As Set Forth In Education Code §§ 5019,5020, 5021, and 5030
November 2019:
On or about November 6, 2019, the District received a letter from the law firm of Shenkman and Hughes, which stated its belief that the at-large election system for Board members in the District has resulted in minority vote dilution in violation of the California Voting Rights Act of 2001 (CVRA). While the board believes the current at-large method of election serves the needs of the district, it intends to comply with the CVRA, and if necessary for such compliance, will complete the process of transitioning to trustee areas.