Educational Services » Arts and Music in Schools Plan (AMS) State of California Prop 28 Funding

Arts and Music in Schools Plan (AMS) State of California Prop 28 Funding

On November 8, 2022, California voters approved Proposition 28: The Arts and Music in Schools (AMS) Funding Guarantee and Accountability Act.  The measure required the state to establish a new, ongoing program supporting arts instruction in schools beginning in 2023-2024.  Per California Education Code (EC) Section 8820(g) at least 80 percent of expended funds will be used to employ certificated or classified employees to provide arts education program instruction. Up to 20 percent of the expended funds may be used for training, supplies and materials, and arts educational partnership programs. 
Duarte Unified is committed to fostering a vibrant arts and music education program, recognizing the essential role these disciplines play in developing well-rounded, creative, and critically thinking students. Based on feedback from parents, students, and staff, there is a clear community interest in expanding opportunities in visual and performing arts.
The Arts and Music in Schools (AMS) plan outlines the district's vision, goals, strategies, and implementation steps to leverage Prop 28 funding effectively to enhance our visual and performing arts programs with an equity-based approach.